Latonia Harrison, MPhil

Clinical Director

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Latonia Harrison, MPhil, an accomplished Clinical Director who is deeply passionate about advancing healthcare and improving patient outcomes. With a solid background in research and academia, I bring a strategic leadership approach to my role, setting high goals and inspiring my team to achieve excellence in clinical care

My utmost priority lies in quality improvement, fostering effective collaboration among healthcare professionals, and promoting the continuous development of our staff. I firmly believe in the power of evidence-based practices and innovative approaches, utilizing the latest research findings to positively impact the well-being of our valued patients. With an unwavering dedication to creating an attractive and inviting healthcare environment, I strive to establish a harmonious balance between cutting-edge research and compassionate patient care. By embracing innovation and continuously seeking opportunities for improvement, I aim to exceed expectations and drive positive change in the realm of healthcare.

As your Clinical Director, I am committed to driving progress, inspiring growth, and achieving exceptional results that will leave a lasting impact on the lives of our patients. Together, let's embark on a transformative journey towards elevated standards of care and improved patient outcomes